Online & Flexible Learning
在线学习是与传统课程相结合的明智选择,它为你提供了一个将学习融入你繁忙生活的机会,同时让你在通往成功的道路上走得更快. Triton College also offers a variety of flexible learning options, designed to fit student's busy schedules and learning needs.
Online Courses
Triton College offers many different courses in an online environment. 参加在线课程与参加传统的课堂课程非常不同. To be successful in an online course, students should be:
- Comfortable using technology
- Understand how to navigate Web sites
- Have regular access to a computer
- Able to communicate well in writing
- Self-motivated and self-disciplined
- Able to commit from 6 to 10 hours per week per course
- Willing to participate in online classroom discussions
The Educational Technology Resource Center (ETRC) 支持大学课程,并通过分发和处理各种形式的材料来鼓励有效的学习, including video, audio, program specific DVD and computer assisted programs, to support all distance learning education. ETRC是Triton的主要计算机实验室,拥有当前的技术和软件. 请访问教育技术资源中心(ETRC)网站获取材料或服务.
Questions? 联系教育技术资源中心(ETRC) @(708) 456-0300,分机. 3361 or 3039.
Blackboard是Triton学院使用的在线课程管理系统, hybrid, and enhanced teaching and learning. Blackboard使教师能够向学生提供课程材料, communication tools, online assessments, and grades, as well as the ability to submit assignments electronically. Blackboard可以随时随地访问,只要你有互联网连接.
Link to Blackboard to access your course(s) in Blackboard.
Blackboard FAQs
Why am I unable to log into Blackboard?
What is my Blackboard user name and password?
我已经注册了一门课程,但课程链接没有在我的黑板上列出. When will the link be available?
My course link is listed in My Blackboard but after clicking, I receive the message, "This section is not available yet".
I enrolled after the course started. When will I see my course link in Blackboard?
How long are my Blackboard course(s) available to me?
During the browser check, 为什么我收到浏览器未验证或不支持的消息?
I have more questions, where is help available?
Triton学院提供各种高度互动的课程,你可以完全通过互联网学习. 我们所有的课程都有专家讲师,其中许多是全国知名的作家. Online courses are affordable, convenient, and geared just for you.
Instructor-led sessions begin every month. On average, 学生在两小时或更短的时间内完成每节课,总共有20-24小时的教学时间. 自定进度教程允许您设置时间表,并随时创建学习计划, anywhere. Certificates of completion are provided by ED2GO. Explore the ED2GO catalog to view course selections.
Triton College, in partnership with ED2GO, 还提供在线开放招生计划,旨在为许多需求职业提供获得专业水平职位所需的技能. Explore ED2GO career training programs to see offerings.
Contact the School of Continuing Education: 如果您有课程或注册问题或需要额外的帮助,请致电(708)456-0300 Ext: 3500或电子邮件
NOTE: Course prices listed do not include Triton College fees which, if applicable, may be added at time of payment.
Online Resources
Triton Online HELP Center
Use the Online HELP Form to email us your questions about starting your online course.
The Educational Technology Resource Center (ETRC) 支持大学课程,并通过分发和处理各种形式的材料来鼓励有效的学习, audio, and computer assisted programs, to support all distance learning education. ETRC是Triton的主要计算机实验室,拥有当前的技术和软件. 请访问教育技术资源中心(ETRC)网站获取材料或服务.
Triton Library
Triton’s Library provides numerous online support services, 包括访问各种信息数据库和与其他60多家伊利诺伊州学术图书馆的在线馆际互借功能. 欲了解更多信息,请联系参考图书管理员(708)456-0300,分机. 3698 or Access Library Portal.
Out of State Students
Triton学院参与国家授权互惠协议(SARA), 这样的安排授权伊利诺斯州参与建立远程教育国家标准的州际互惠制度. 有兴趣参加Triton学院任何在线课程的州外学生必须居住在属于该计划的州 SARA agreement.
Complaint Process
In compliance with the Board of Higher Education, 教育远程学习法案和联邦教育部的规定, 提供远程教育的机构必须向已注册的和未来的州外学生提供联系信息,以便向其认证机构和相应的州机构提交投诉,以处理本州内的投诉.
In order to resolve concerns related to a complaint, 在Triton学院注册在线课程的州外学生应遵循Triton学院的投诉程序 Student Handbook. 在线学生与在校学生享有同样的权利和义务. To resolve academic complaints, 学生在向他们所居住的州提出投诉之前,应该尝试用尽所有可能的内部途径. 每个学术部门负责监督学生投诉,可以通过以下方式联系: Department Chairperson & Program Coordinators Contact List.
如果在遵循学院程序后,问题不能在内部解决,学生寻求其他解决办法, students can refer to the Out-of-State Student Grievance Contact Information for the appropriate state agency or accrediting body and may contact the Illinois Community College Board.
担心受到骚扰或歧视的学生应参阅Triton大学理事会政策手册和 Student Handbook.
Refund Policy
A student who registers, fails to attend class and fails to officially withdraw from the class, is still responsible for all tuition and fees. A student who receives grades for a class, but does not pay, 当未付余额被移交给催收公司时,是否需要收取催收费用.
正式退课的学生可以退还一定比例的课程学费, depending on when withdrawal is made. The registration, late registration, proficiency test and special examination fees are not refundable. 辅助费和学生服务费只有在学期开始前正式退学时才可退还.
在不迟于前5天正式退学后,学生有权获得100%的退款.5 percent of the class calendar days. A 50 percent refund will be granted within the first 5.6-8 percent of the class calendar days. 在100%退款期限后取款将导致“W”等级。.
Students should refer to their current class schedule in the MyTriton portal for specific withdrawal dates for each term.